Somatic Transformation Practicum
A new course offering from Dr. Sharon Stanley designed to teach Somatic Transformation practitioners to become educators using the learning model that has been developed for Somatic Transformation. In addition, the course will deepen your understanding of the basic ST concepts and practice.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will be encouraged to offer Somatic Transformation psychoeducation and small psychotherapy group facilitation as well as teach clinical Somatic Transformation trainings to psychotherapists and mental health providers. These courses will be offered under the umbrella of Resource Together and the participants own license or business.
Participants will receive Continuing Education credits and will be certified to teach Resource Together Courses upon successful completion of the Practicum course requirements.
Somatic Transformation is one of the primary organizations in the world providing education and training to heal individuals and communities from the suffering caused by traumatic experiences.
To raise individual, community, and organizational consciousness about the effects of trauma on human health, relationships, and culture. To inform, educate, and train individuals in the principles and practices of Somatic Transformation; a relational, neuroscience and body-based psychotherapy that assists individuals and communities heal from traumatic experiences and use that experience to grow and evolve as human beings.
About the Course
The Somatic Transformation Practicum is an eight-module educational certification course and will be offered March 2023 - January of 2024. (No class in July or August) Participants will meet with Sharon and Mentors twice a month for three hours, a total of 48 hours and 48 CEUs.
Each three-hour session will include content with Sharon and reflective group process practice with Mentors. Cheryl Petra, a highly experienced educator and administrator and Stuart Kenney, a skilled and gifted IT specialist, and clinically experienced mentors will serve as resources throughout the duration of the course.
All live sessions take place from 1:00pm - 4:00pm Pacific Time
Module 1
March 17, 2023
March 31, 2023
Module 2
April 14, 2023
April 28, 2023
Module 3
May 12, 2023
May 26, 2023
Module 4
June 9, 2023
June 23, 2023
Module 5
September 8, 2023
September 29, 2023
Module 6
October 13, 2023
October 27, 2023
Module 7
November 3, 2023
November 17, 2023
Module 8
January 12, 2024
January 26, 2024
As part of the course, you will…
Develop pedagogical and advanced group process skills to educate both professionals and clients in the principles and practices of Somatic Transformation.
Develop skills to organize and teach curriculum based on the principles and practices of Somatic Transformation to professionals and/or lead small therapeutic groups in body-centered relational ways of knowing and healing.
Integrate the basic principles and practices of Somatic Transformation as a therapist and educator.
Access the library of digital and printed Basic Somatic Transformation curriculum and course materials developed by Dr. Sharon Stanley.
Continue development of relational, and somatic ways of healing and learning.
Access individual consultation hours with Dr. Stanley and experienced ST Mentors.
Access technology support to deliver online training and teaching materials.
Obtain certification as an educator and facilitator of Somatic Transformation principles and practices under the Resource Together umbrella.
US Residents
(8 monthly pmts. of $625 USD)
Canadian Residents
(8 monthly pmts. of $500 USD)
Applying for the Practicum
Application Requirements
Successful Completion of Somatic Transformation Basic course.
Successful Completion of Advanced Somatic Transformation Course or the Spirituality Course or serving as a Facilitator in Somatic Transformation Courses.
Lived experience as a clinician and client of Somatic Transformation.
Experience in group consultations.
Application Process:
If you are interested in applying for this practicum, please email Cheryl at:
We will send you an application questionnaire where you are invited to describe your educational, clinical, and personal experience with Somatic Transformation, your intentions in participating in the practicum, the specific communities you would like to serve and confirmation of your availability to attend the live sessions outlined above.
Participants will be notified about acceptance into the course as well as the next steps for course registration if accepted.